Somatic Sex Education

What happens during a 15-minute introductory call?

I will ask you what your intentions and goals are for your work with me. What sparked your interest in this work? What drew you to working with me? Are you interested in online or in-person sessions, or perhaps a combination of both? We will discuss if working with me is the right fit for your goals, if I think we can achieve your goals together, and how we may approach this process. After this call, I will send you a link to my full intake form which you will fill out and return to me before our first session.

What happens during an intake session (session 1)?

We will review your intake form and give you the opportunity to say more about what you’ve written. If you are more comfortable communicating verbally, you may choose to use the intake form as a space to jot down talking points for yourself that you elaborate on further during this session. Please feel free to adapt this process in a way that makes it work for you. We will further discuss your goals and make a map of what the journey to those goals may look like. From this map I will suggest a number of sessions and we will agree on how many and how frequently to meet. This is based on your preference and budget, remember this is your time and these sessions are for you.

Beginning with consent and somatic language (session 2/3)

Every arc of sessions with every client will begin with an introduction to somatic language and an introduction to Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent. Working with Betty Martin’s wheel ensures that we speak a common language around consent and are resourced with a framework for negotiating consent and discussing the dynamic of giving and receiving through the rest of our work together. We may play games that assess how comfortable you are with saying or hearing “yes” and “no”, and how comfortable you are with asking for what you want.

An introduction to somatic language could be something like discussing a word bank of somatic language and practicing a Body Poem. This practice from Katie Sarra is a guided meditation that puts you in conversation with your body. A poem is written during the meditation from the words that you’re invited to share aloud, describing the sensations that you’re noticing arising in your body. At the end of the session I will read the poem back to you. This gives you an opportunity to practice noticing and naming your somatic experience. 

Depending on how much time we spend with any of these activities this may span one or two sessions.

What happens next (session 3/4 and beyond)?

From here, the sessions continue according to your specific intentions and goals. Each session begins with a review of your goals and intentions, and space for you to set your intention for the current session. You may refer to the session map to guide your intention for the session, or you may want to explore something new and different.

Some client’s have come to this work with these types of guiding intentions and goals. Yours may look something like this, or completely different.

These sessions are for you, they are guided by your thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs. You are invited and encouraged to say “yes”, “no”, “maybe” or “I’ve changed my mind” at any point.

  • Better able to connect deeper sexually with people I am close with
  • Identify more touch/experiences that bring me pleasure
  • Pause to FEEL before beginning to describe my feelings
  • Have access to more words to describe what is happening in my body
  • Identify my core styles/desires
  • Speak up about what I want and don’t want
  • Have more confidence overall, including my body and my genitals
  • Be a really great sex partner
  • Feel empowered in my body
  • Exploration and expansion of personal pleasure
  • Move towards a full body touch session
  • Undo shame from my past
  • Feel orgasms more strongly
  • Navigate being newly polyamorous with my long-term partner


Moving forward from a 15-minute introductory call, the investment is $200 for 1hr online sessions and $300 for 1.5 hour in-person bodywork sessions.

marissa gamberutti

Contact me to book a 15-minute intro call